What to expect from the new release of Magento 2.4.6

Written by Vaibhav Salot

Mar 16, 2023

What to expect from the new release of Magento 2.4.6

The newest release of Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 & Magento Open Source 2.4.6 was launched in March, 2023. It accompanies some scale and performance enhancements. It comes with more than 300 quality enhancements and fixes with upgraded 3rd party libraries and upgraded all the core composer dependencies.

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 and Magento 2.4.6 release updates are designed to improve the overall selling experience online.

This blog will help you discover the main highlights of this newest release of Magento 2.4.6 and understand them thoroughly.

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 & Magento 2.4.6 – Highlights

The crucial improvements added to Magento e-commerce tool

  • The latest version supports Redis 7.0.x, OpenSearch 2.x and Composer 2.2.x. Henceforth, it will be the default search option.
  • The latest version supports PHP 8.2 to initiate high performance. Also, it will support the PHP 8.1 as usual. The above version will stop supporting PHP 7.4.
  • It comes with more than 300 premium bug fixes and improvements. The improvements include the upgradation of third-party libraries and composer dependencies.
  • The software will support “MariaDB 10.6” and ElasticSearch 8.x

Performance & Scaling Enhancements

To improve the performance, you will find a new configuration feature. It is best suited for merchants dealing with 100s customer segments.

  • The latest REST API endpoint provides a similar feature to import through the admin import feature. Well, this time it is up to 100,000 records faster per minute.
  • You will find enhanced performance for order processing via the load-balancing function.
  • Customers dealing with huge volumes of orders per minute, for example, 1000 can easily manage their workload over multiple nodes. In turn, it will speed up their order processing through their online stores.

Security Fixes & Improvements

The new release 2.4.6 comes with 8 amazing security fixes. Now, you can check specific admin activities across Magento using ‘Admin Action Logs’.

This new release has resolved the problems related to reCAPTCHA validation. It means the authentication errors that used to take place during the processing of payments will not happen.

Braintree Payment Option

“Braintree Payment Method” updates are introduced in the latest version of Magento to ensure high security to enable a faster process for Braintree transactions.

  • PayPal Vault & “PayPal Later messaging” is activated now.
  • “Braintree Pay Later button” & banners- These features are included for Spain and Italy.
  • The Braintree payment modes come with ACH webhooks and fraud protection.

GraphQL Performance Improvements

  • Optimized Tree rendering category for GraphQL.
  • Talking about response times, they work faster for different categories having turned-ON permissions.
  • Query response times optimized for bulk cart services.

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 – Additional Enhancements

  • B2B features, several bug fixes, and accessibility updates are added features.
  • For better accessibility, the Magento storefront comes with illustrative names on buttons.
  • New features for fraud protection & ACH webhooks are included.  Messages can be sent and received by PayPal vault.
  • The new release supports PWA Studio v.13.0.x & Page Builder v.1.7.3.

Adobe 2.4.6 Release – Platform & Performance Updates

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 version introduces an array of newest features to build an elegant online shopping experience for the shoppers.

The latest feature also comes with improvements in scalability and performance. It helps you cater to the growing demands of businesses.

The new setting – Limit Number of Products in Grid Configuration allow merchants to enhance the product grid performance by limiting how the number of products is displayed.

A new “REST API endpoint” is introduced to enhance performance. It brings a similar import features “Admin import” function.

It accompanies the improved performance of nearly 100,000 records/minute. The endpoint supports a similar CSV file format just like the earlier version.

Adobe Commerce Cloud 2.4.6 infrastructure improved performance for order processing with load managing. It will help you enhance the performance of Magento order processing execution by managing their loads over multiple nodes.

Apart from platform & performance improvements, Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 provided enhanced accessibility updates. Here you get Braintree enhancements, B2B features, and advantages of GraphQL performances.

Security Fixes & Additional Major Problem Fixes

  • JavaScript libraries that were outdated have been updated to the newest versions.
  • Other dependencies which were outdated are deleted from this version.
  • The DHL schema is moved from the 6.2 version to version 10.
  • Issues with the installation and upgradation deployment of Magento have been resolved.
  • Well, page builder has new a drag & drop feature that helps you import several images together.
  • When you turn on the option – “Minimum Terms to Match”, the search functions with queries that include quotation marks.
  • All the records while making dashboard live needs to be rectified. This problem has been resolved and comprises “Has Video” checkboxes present in respective search filters come with labels now.

Braintree Payment Options & GraphQL Performance Improvements

The newest release of Adobe Commerce/Magento 2.4.6 accompanies multiple improvements to the Braintree payment method.

The PayPal Vault is enabled with a PayPal messaging feature to let customers complete their payment transactions faster and offer them details about their financing options.

Now, the merchants can use fraud protection features to address and avoid fraudulent transactions.

On the other hand, ACH webhooks allows merchants to track their payments. Also, check for issues that occur during the payment transaction process. Also, you can find different local payment modes as part of the webhook.

The new release of Adobe Commerce/Magento 2.4.6 comes with several updates to GraphQL performance. The response times during querying categories with permissions are activated and enhanced.

Now, you will find optimized Category tree rendering in GraphQL.

It doesn’t allow ‘CategoryList’ to help customers with more than 1500 categories. Also, it supports 5 levels of nested subcategories. The best thing is that the response time for bulk cart operations via GraphQL has been enhanced.

The Braintree payment modes & GraphQL will enable the store for faster payment processing and offer customers an enjoyable shopping experience.

B2B & Accessibility updates

Now, the feature- “Purchase Order for Companie” is provided via the GraphQL API in the newest version of Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.

The Purchase Order GraphQL framework lets B2B companies take care of the approval rules. It helps you manage purchase orders which include creating, modifying, and removing their POs.

When it comes to accessibility, the new version of Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 introduces some crucial updates to make sure the platform is easily accessible for all users.

You will find the button for ‘Sign In’ updated to complement its specific accessible name.

Also, e-commerce store is updated with illustrative words on the buttons to enhance its accessibility.

You can find Descriptive labels which are attached to search filters’ with “Has Video” checkboxes.

Now, all page features on the sore can be accessed by Keyboard-only users. Earlier shoppers were not able to access links for sub-navigation with the help of keystrokes.

By introducing these efficient updates for B2B features & accessibility, Adobe is working towards creating a platform that caters to the needs of all users.

Magento 2.4.6 – Official Release Notes for Adobe Commerce

Check out the links listed below if you want to read the whole Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 release notes.

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Release Notes
Magento Open Source 2.4.6 Release Notes

Should I upgrade to Magento 2.4.6?

Magento 2.4.6 accompanies new features, updates, and enhancements that builds a platform highly stable and secure while helping you run your store more efficiently and effectively. Yes, you should upgrade to Magento 2.4.6.

However, the latest release may comprise BICs so you must check out these changes before you decide to upgrade your e-commerce store.

Firstly, make sure that 3rd party modules will work post-upgrade to prevent any adverse effects on your e-store operations.


The newest version of Magento 2.4.6 comes with several advancements for the security, performance, and accessibility of the platform.

Store owners will be able to provide a modern shopping experience using this latest upgrade. It involves support for OpenSearch 2. x, Redis 7.0, PHP 8.2, and ElasticSearch 8.x, and many other enhancements in the core code.

This new release also offers faster response time and Braintree payment options.

Vaibhav Salot


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