Improving eCommerce Sales: How Magento Can Contribute to the Growth

Written by Vaibhav Salot

Jan 08, 2016

Improving eCommerce Sales:  How Magento Can Contribute to the Growth

eCommerce has in fact brought about a tremendous change in the shopping behavior of individuals. More and more people are buying products on the internet than visiting the brick and mortar stores. Getting an online representation of a business has become extremely affordable. With an investment of a few hundred dollars, you can get a fully functional store and a modern-looking store thanks to the platforms like Magento.

What is Magento e-commerce?

It is considered to be an ideal choice for eCommerce as it is an open-source platform and also has been the popular choice of many business owners. It comes in with a facility for customization and enables the business owner to have a unique store with the features and design that he requires. This platform is designed in such a way that it is optimized to generate more eCommerce sales.

How to improve eCommerce sales for the business?

  • SEO:

Search Engine Optimization is what brings your store to the forefront.  Yes, the shoppers have very limited memory and hence do not strain to remember links that are long-tailed and complicated.  They tend to remember those links with the kind of products they wish to purchase. Such kinds may harm the sales of a given business, for the shopper will always reach the store that offers his kind of products through the search results.  However, Magento has a pertinent solution for such kinds of problems.

Magento comes in with an extension that facilitates the conversion of long-tailed links into short links and search engine optimized friendly ones. Magento extensions may also be put to use for optimizing the header and the page titles too.  When you have titles that are keyword optimized and links that are short, your store will be easily found in the search results on top ranks.

  • Responsive Design:

With a whole range of technological advancements, internet shoppers are found to access your store with the help of a range of devices.  So, you should ensure that your website is accessible on all kinds of devices without compromising on the resolution and the quality of the website.  Magento comes in with a responsive design that helps the website adapt to different devices from which it is accessed.  When there is access on multiple devices, it throws open wider exposure and thereby brings about a fillip in the sales.

  • Geo-targeting and Multi-lingual:

eCommerce stores that have multiple websites to cater to different geographic locations are found to benefit hugely from the geo-targeting and multilingual features.  For instance, if your products cater to the needs of a global audience, it makes really good sense to make your store accessible in the language that is spoken in that geographic region.  This way, you will reach more of your target group.  Magento has the ability to identify the buyers’ geographic location by means of the internet addresses and will redirect the visitors to the pertinent language website.

  • Simple Checkout Process:

We keep hearing about numerous cases of abandoned shopping carts.  The main reason being the extra complicated process at the checkout stage.  Magento has an extension in the form of one-step checkout and cuts out on all the complications that checkouts may entail.  This simplified process of checkout combines numerous stages and helps in the reduction of shopping cart abandonments.

  • Easy follow-up of customers:

There may be numerous reasons for shopping cart abandonment.  The store owner has to get an idea as to what their reason could be and hence he has to follow up on his customers who have left their shopping cart without completing the sale.  Magento helpdesk in tracking the checkout process of the shoppers and also detects the abandoned carts.  So, with this kind of information, you can follow up on your customers either by calling them up or emailing them to know if they had encountered any problems during the process.

All the above features are just a few of the many extensions and features in which Magento comes in.  Most of the features are easy on implementation the moment Magneto is installed.

Let Dolphin Web Solution help you with a better Magento solution!

Vaibhav Salot


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