How to add Javascript Form Validation in Hyva Magento 2

Written by Aadil Popatiya

Mar 09, 2023

How to add Javascript Form Validation in Hyva Magento 2

In this blog post, we will be discussing how to add JavaScript form validation in Hyva Magento 2.

It is important to validate forms in Magento 2 to ensure that the information provided by users is properly formatted and to prevent spam and malicious submissions.

Hyva primarily uses built-in browser form validation, in some cases, JavaScript validation may be necessary to display custom validation messages in a specific location.

Here are the steps to validate forms in Hyva Magento 2:

Step 1: Register your module

Follow this link to create custom module in magento 2

Step 2 : Setup your layout


<page xmlns:xsi=""
    <update handle="hyva_form_validation"/>

    <referenceContainer name="content">
        <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="form" template="Dolphin_ValidateHyvaForm::form.phtml" />

Here we load the advanced form validation on the page by applying the layout handle hyva_form_validation.

Step 3 : Create template


<div class="container">
    <form class="form" action="<?= $block->escapeHtmlAttr($block->submitFormUrl()) ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off"
          x-data="hyva.formValidation($el)" @submit="onSubmit">

        <div class="field field-reserved w-full required">
            <label for="firstname" class="label">
                <span> <?= $block->escapeHtml(__('First Name:')) ?> </span>
            <div class="control">
                <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" class="w-full form-input"
                       data-validate='{"required": true}'>

        <div class="field field-reserved w-full required">
            <label for="firstname" class="label">
                <span> <?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Last Name:')) ?> </span>
            <div class="control">
                <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" class="w-full form-input"
                       data-validate='{"required": true}'>

        <div class="field field-reserved w-full required">
            <label for="email" class="label">
                <span> <?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Email:')) ?> </span>
            <div class="control">
                <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="w-full form-input"
                       data-validate='{"required": true , "email": true}' @change="onChange">

        <div class="actions-toolbar">
            <div class="primary">
                <button type="submit"
                        class="action submit primary"
                        title="<?= $block->escapeHtmlAttr(__('Submit')) ?>">
                    <span><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Submit')) ?></span>


Here we Initialise the form validation Alpine.js component hyva.formValidation($el)

<form x-data="hyva.formValidation($el)">

If you want to add additional logic, merge the form validation component with your custom component properties.

<form x-data="{...initMyCustomComponent(), ...hyva.formValidation($el)}">

You can trigger the validation of the whole form using the Alpine.js @submit event with the onSubmit method.

<form x-data="hyva.formValidation($el)" @submit="onSubmit">

If you want to trigger validation on a change event, use the @change event.

<div class="field field-reserved">
    <input name="example" data-validate='{"required": true}' @change="onChange" />

If you want to use multiple validation rules in the same element, use a JSON object like this: data-validate='{“min”: 2, “required”: true}’.

<div class="field field-reserved">
    <input type="number" data-validate='{"min": 2, "required": true}' />

Available Rule validators in Magento Hyva

How to add Javascript Form Validation in Hyva Magento 2

You can also add your custom Rule validator in hyva by using the method hyva.formValidation.addRule

Adding new validation rules

To add a new validation rule, use the hyva.formValidation.addRule method and pass a new validation function.

hyva.formValidation.addRule('phone', function(value, options, field, context) {
    const phoneNumber = value.trim().replace(' ', '');
    if (phoneNumber.length !== 10) {
        // return message if validation fails;
        return '<?= $escaper->escapeJs(__("Enter correct phone number, like XXX XXX XXXX")) ?>';
    } else {
        // return true if validation passed
        return true;

The first argument is the validator name and the second argument is the validator rule callback.

Validation rule functions should return one of the following values.

  • The boolean true if the rule is valid.
  • A string message if the rule is invalid. The string should describe the failure in a helpful way
  • A Promise that resolves to true or a message string when the validation completes.

And that’s it! This is how you can validate forms in Hyva Magento 2. Visit this page for Hyva development service.

Aadil Popatiya


Aadil Popatiya is an accomplished Adobe Certified Magento Developer & eCommerce Architect. With a robust expertise in Magento, PHP, JavaScript, React, AlpineJS, Docker, and Laravel, Aadil brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to the table. His extensive experience with open-source software further enhances his capability to deliver innovative and effective solutions in the web development arena.

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