Product Attachments for Magento 2


This extension provides features to provide customers with additional details about the products.

  • Enable/Disable the product Attachment module from the configuration.
  • Admin can add attachments to specific products or categories.
  • Create an unlimited number of product attachments.
  • Enter the custom file or link as an attachment.
  • Set Priority for the Attachments.
  • Display Attachments for a particular store or customer group.
  • Display catchy icons as per Attachment type.
  • Screenshot
  • User Guide
    User Guide
  • Live Demo
    Live Demo


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Overview of Magento 2 Product Attachments Extension

Default magento2 does not provide any features related to adding attachments to products but using this product attachments extension builds up the functionalities of the display product attachments like manuals, licenses, warranties, and other downloadable information right on product pages as per customer group and store.

The Product Attachments extension for Magento 2 helps you to create attractive icon attachments and allows you to add them on your product page tab, you can add them on the homepage or category page by widget, and also on the order view page.

In this extension, you can add attachment files, or links in categories or products as per customer group and store. Also, you can add attachments in the widget so It can be displayed on the cms page and category page sidebar.

Highlights of Magento 2 Product Attachments Extension

  • Easily manage

    Easily manage

    Admin can easily add attachments to products or categories.

  • Multistore Supported

    Multistore Supported

    Admin can add attachments as per stores

  • Multiple types of attachment files

    Multiple types of attachment files

    The extension supports pdf, txt, docs, ppt, xls, zip, rar, mp3, mp4, jpg, jpeg, png, GIF, and other file types.

  • Attach an unlimited number of files to Products

    Attach an unlimited number of files to Products

    Attach multiple files to the product and add priority to display in sequence

  • Order View Page

    Order View Page

    Manage From store config which order status type attachment visible and what is its block name

  • Include In order Mail

    Include In order Mail

    From configuration, you can manage to include attachments to order mail or not.

Features of Magento 2 Product Attachments Extension

  • Facilitates admin to customize the extension

    Facilitates admin to customize the extension

    • Enable or disable the Product Attachment module feature seamlessly from the backend
    • Add config for displaying Category Attachments to the product or not
    • The product page displays attachments, Tab titles, order, and file icons from the config
    • Order view Page can also manage display attachments, title, type of attachment, and order status from the config
    • Configuration of Add an attachment to Order mail or not and which type of attachment can be sent
  • Add/Edit Attachments

    Add/Edit Attachments

    • Depending on attachments like manuals, licenses, warranties, and other downloadable information the shop owners can add suitable attachments for each item respectively.
    • Admin can choose store view and customer groups for displaying attachments in the frontend.
  • Assign Attachments

    Assign Attachments

    • For Category, Select category from the dropdown Then It will display attachments To that category products, and in the widget, It will Display that category attachment to the selected area In the widget
    • For Products, select the Checkbox from the Product grid And then It will show an attachment to that product in frontend
  • Add attachments by Widget

    Add attachments by Widget

    • In Widget, Add New Widget and select Product Attachment then, add block title, store view, store order and select layout(on where you want to display attachment)
    • You can add different types of widget options like current category, current page, Specific category, specific page, custom files, etc.
  • Assign Icons

    Assign Icons

    • Assign icons by file type by entering file extensions. Any one icon assigned to multiple types of files is also possible.
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