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User Guide - Catalog Image Resizer for Magento 2
Manage Images
Manage Images

In admin go to the System > Manage Images to resize all images of your system.
Here You can see a grid having data like Image Id, Path, Resized Status and image Action.
Sync Images:
- Click this button to Synchronize all the images.
- At the initial stage the grid will be blank.
- After clicking on the Sync Images button images will be displayed in the grid.
- By clicking this button all the new images will be loaded.
- So you can see all the images of the store loaded in the grid
Resize Images: Click this button to resize all the images in the grid automatically.
Mass Actions
- Delete: Select the images you don’t want to resize.
- Change Status
- Required: You can choose multiple or all images which need to be required.
- Done: Select multiple or all images which do not need to be resized and already resized.
- Skip: Set skip status by selecting the images which you want to skip in the resize process.
- Resize Selected Images:
- Select the images you want to resize.
- From selected images only images having required status will be updated and resized.